nofollow toevoegen aan WP plugin

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16/02/2009 16:23:00
Quote Anchor link
hallo iedereen.

kan iemand mij helpen om bij wp global translator een nofollow tag toe te voegen aan de links die de plugin maakt?

hier kan je het voorbeeld zien :
een vertaling gaat dan naar of /dk enz....

hier is de code:
require_once (dirname(__file__).'/header.php');

define('HARD_CLEAN', true);

define('FLAG_BAR_BEGIN', '<!--FLAG_BAR_BEGIN-->');
define('FLAG_BAR_END', '<!--FLAG_BAR_END-->');
define('USER_AGENT','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021204');

define('LANGS_PATTERN', 'it|ko|zh-CN|pt|en|de|fr|es|ja|ar|ru|el|nl|zh|zt|no|bg|cs|hr|da|fi|hi|pl|ro|sv|ca|tl|iw|id|lv|lt|sr|sk|sl|uk|vi');
define('LANGS_PATTERN_WITH_SLASHES', '/it/|/ko/|/zh-CN/|/pt/|/en/|/de/|/fr/|/es/|/ja/|/ar/|/ru/|/el/|/nl/|/zh/|/zt/|/no/|/bg/|/cs/|/hr/|/da/|/fi/|/hi/|/pl/|/ro/|/sv/|/ca/|/tl/|/iw/|/id/|/lv/|/lt/|/sr/|/sk/|/sl/|/uk/|/vi/');
define('LANGS_PATTERN_WITHOUT_FINAL_SLASH', '/it|/ko|/zh-CN|/pt|/en|/de|/fr|/es|/ja|/ar|/ru|/el|/nl|/zh|/zt|/no|/bg|/cs|/hr|/da|/fi|/hi|/pl|/ro|/sv|/ca|/tl|/iw|/id|/lv|/lt|/sr|/sk|/sl|/uk|/vi');

define('CONN_INTERVAL', get_option('gltr_conn_interval'));
define('DEBUG', get_option('gltr_enable_debug'));
define('BASE_LANG', get_option('gltr_base_lang'));
define('BAR_COLUMNS', get_option('gltr_col_num'));
define('BAN_PREVENTION', get_option('gltr_ban_prevention'));
define('HTML_BAR_TAG', get_option('gltr_html_bar_tag'));
define('TRANSLATION_ENGINE', get_option('gltr_my_translation_engine'));
define('SITEMAP_INTEGRATION', get_option('gltr_sitemap_integration'));
define('EXPIRE_TIME', get_option('gltr_cache_expire_time'));
define('COMPRESS_CACHE', get_option('gltr_compress_cache'));
define('BLOG_HOME', get_settings('home'));
define('BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED', str_replace('/', '\\/', BLOG_HOME));
'<html><head><title>404 Not found</title></head>
<body><center><h2>404 Error: content not found</h2></center></body></html>');

$gltr_unavail =
'<html><head><title>Translation not available</title>
<style>html,body {font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; height:100%;}</style></head>
<body><center><br /><br /><b>This page has not been translated yet.<br /><br />The translation process could take a while: in the meantime a semi-automatic translation will be provided in a few seconds.</b><br /><br /><a href="'.get_settings('home').'">Home page</a></center>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function Redirect(){
location.href = "{RESOURCE}";
// --></script></body></html>';

$gltr_result = '';
$gltr_engine = $gltr_available_engines[TRANSLATION_ENGINE];

add_filter('query_vars', 'gltr_insert_my_rewrite_query_vars');
add_action('parse_query', 'gltr_insert_my_rewrite_parse_query',-1);//this action should have the maximum priority!
add_action('admin_menu', 'gltr_add_options_page');
add_action('init', 'gltr_translator_init');

add_action('save_post', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
add_action('delete_post', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('comment_post', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('publish_phone', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('trackback_post', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('pingback_post', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('edit_comment', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('wp_set_comment_status', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('delete_comment', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');
//add_action('switch_theme', 'gltr_erase_common_cache_files');

if (SITEMAP_INTEGRATION) add_action("sm_buildmap","gltr_add_translated_pages_to_sitemap");

function gltr_translator_init() {
global $wp_rewrite;
if (isset($wp_rewrite) && $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) {
define('REWRITEON', true);
define('LINKBASE', $wp_rewrite->root);
} else {
define('REWRITEON', false);
define('KEYWORDS_REWRITEON', '0');
define('LINKBASE', '');
add_filter('generate_rewrite_rules', 'gltr_translations_rewrite');

function gltr_add_translated_pages_to_sitemap() {
$start= round(microtime(true),4);
global $wpdb;
if (gltr_sitemap_plugin_detected()){
$generatorObject = &GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance();
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_password='' ORDER BY post_modified DESC");
$chosen_langs = get_option('gltr_preferred_languages');

foreach($chosen_langs as $lang){
$trans_link = "";
$trans_link = preg_replace("/".BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED."/", BLOG_HOME . "/$lang/" , BLOG_HOME );
} else {
$trans_link = BLOG_HOME . "?lang=$lang";
if (gltr_is_cached($trans_link))

foreach ($posts as $post) {
$permalink = get_permalink($post->ID);
foreach($chosen_langs as $lang){
$trans_link = "";
$trans_link = preg_replace("/".BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED."/", BLOG_HOME . "/" . $lang, $permalink );
} else {
$trans_link = $permalink . "&lang=$lang";
if (gltr_is_cached($trans_link))
$end = round(microtime(true),4);
gltr_debug("Translated pages sitemap addition process total time:". ($end - $start) . " seconds");


function gltr_build_translation_url($srcLang, $destLang, $urlToTransl) {
global $gltr_engine;
if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'google'){
$urlToTransl = str_replace(array('?','='),array('%3F','%3D'),$urlToTransl);
}else if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'babelfish'){
$urlToTransl = urlencode($urlToTransl);
$tokens = array('${URL}', '${SRCLANG}', '${DESTLANG}');
$srcLang = $gltr_engine->decode_lang_code($srcLang);
$destLang = $gltr_engine->decode_lang_code($destLang);
$values = array($urlToTransl, $srcLang, $destLang);
$res = str_replace($tokens, $values, $gltr_engine->get_base_url());
if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'google'){
gltr_debug("Google Patch: calling: $res");
$maincont = gltr_http_get_content( $res);
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/(http:\/\/[0-9\.]*\/translate_c[^"]*)"/',$maincont,$matches);
$res = $matches[1];
$res = str_replace('&amp;','&', $res);

} else if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'babelfish'){
gltr_debug("Babelfish Patch: calling: $res");
$maincont = gltr_http_get_content( $res);
$matches = array();
preg_match( '/URL=(http:\/\/[0-9\.]*\/babelfish\/translate_url_content[^"]*)"/',$maincont,$matches);
$res = $matches[1];
$res = str_replace('&amp;','&', $res);
if ($gltr_engine->get_name() == 'freetransl'){
$tmp_buf = gltr_http_get_content("");
$matches = array();
'/\<input type="hidden" name="username" value="([^"]*)" \/>\<input type="hidden" name="password" value="([^"]*)" \/>/',$tmp_buf,$matches);

$res .= "&username=$matches[1]&password=$matches[2]";
gltr_debug("Translation URL: $res");
return $res;

function gltr_clean_url_to_translate(){
$url = gltr_get_self_url();
$url_to_translate = "";

$blog_home_esc = BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED;

$contains_index = (strpos($url, 'index.php')!==false);
if ($contains_index){
$blog_home_esc .= '\\/index.php';
$pattern1 = '/(' . $blog_home_esc . ')(\\/(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')\\/)(.+)/';
$pattern2 = '/(' . $blog_home_esc . ')\\/(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')[\\/]{0,1}$/';

if (preg_match($pattern1, $url)) {
$url_to_translate = preg_replace($pattern1, '\\1/\\4', $url);
} elseif (preg_match($pattern2, $url)) {
$url_to_translate = preg_replace($pattern2, '\\1', $url);
} else {
$url_to_translate = preg_replace('/[\\?&]{0,1}lang\\=(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')/i', '', $url);
return $url_to_translate;

function gltr_translate($lang, $url) {
global $gltr_engine,$gltr_unavail;

$url_to_translate = gltr_clean_url_to_translate();
$resource = gltr_build_translation_url(BASE_LANG, $lang, $url_to_translate);

if (!gltr_is_connection_allowed()){
return str_replace('{RESOURCE}',$resource,$gltr_unavail);

$buf = gltr_http_get_content($resource);

if (gltr_is_valid_translated_content($buf)){
return gltr_clean_translated_page($buf, $lang);
} else {
gltr_debug("Bad translated content for url: $buf");
return str_replace('{RESOURCE}',$resource,$gltr_unavail);

function gltr_http_get_content($resource) {
$isredirect = true;
$redirect = null;

while ($isredirect) {
$isredirect = false;
if (isset($redirect_url)) {
$resource = $redirect_url;

$url_parsed = parse_url($resource);
$host = $url_parsed["host"];
$port = $url_parsed["port"];
if ($port == 0)
$port = 80;
$path = $url_parsed["path"];
if (empty($path))
$path = "/";
$query = $url_parsed["query"];
$http_q = $path . '?' . $query;

$req = gltr_build_request($host, $http_q);

$fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);

if (!$fp) {
return "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
fputs($fp, $req, strlen($req)); // send request
$buf = '';
$isFlagBar = false;
$flagBarWritten = false;
$beginFound = false;
$endFound = false;
$inHeaders = true;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp);
if ($inHeaders) {

if (trim($line) == '') {
$inHeaders = false;

$prevline = $line;
if (!preg_match('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
// Skip to the next header
$key = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
$val = trim($m[2]);
if ($key == 'location') {
$redirect_url = $val;
$isredirect = true;

$buf .= $line;
} //end while
} //while($isredirect)
return $buf;

function gltr_is_valid_translated_content($content){
return (strpos($content, FLAG_BAR_BEGIN) > 0);

function gltr_store_translation_engine_status($status){
$exists = get_option("gltr_translation_status");
if($exists === false){

function gltr_is_connection_allowed(){

$last_connection_time = get_option("gltr_last_connection_time");
if($last_connection_time === false){
$last_connection_time = 0;

if ($last_connection_time > 0){
$now = time();
$delta = $now - $last_connection_time;
if ($delta < CONN_INTERVAL){
gltr_debug("Blocking connection request: last_connection_time=$last_connection_time now=$now delta=$delta ");
$res = false;
} else {
gltr_debug("Allowing connection request: last_connection_time=$last_connection_time now=$now delta=$delta ");
update_option("gltr_last_connection_time", $now);
$res = true;
} else {
gltr_debug("Warning: 'last_connection_time' is undefined: allowing translation");
update_option("gltr_last_connection_time", time());
$res = true;
return $res;

function gltr_clean_link($matches){
//global $wp_query;
//$lang = $wp_query->query_vars['lang'];
if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'google')
return "href=\"" . urldecode($matches[1]) . $matches[3] . "\"";
return "href=\"" . urldecode($matches[1]) . "\"";

function gltr_clean_translated_page($buf, $lang) {
global $gltr_engine;
global $well_known_extensions;
$is_IIS = (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') !== false) ? true : false;

$patterns = $gltr_engine->get_links_pattern();
foreach( $patterns as $id => $pattern){
$buf = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "gltr_clean_link", $buf);

$buf = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"description\"([ ]*)content=\"([^>]*)\"([ ]*)\/>/i", "", $buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/<meta name='description'([ ]*)content='([^>]*)'([ ]*)\/>/i", "", $buf);
//TODO: add <meta name="language" content="LANG" />

$blog_home_esc = BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED;
$blog_home = BLOG_HOME;

if ($is_IIS){
$blog_home_esc .= '\\/index.php';
$blog_home .= '/index.php';
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*)href=\"" . $blog_home_esc . "(((?![\"])(?!\/trackback)(?!\/feed)" . gltr_get_extensions_skip_pattern() . ".)*)\"([^>]*)>/i";
$repl = "<a\\1href=\"" . $blog_home . '/' . $lang . "\\2\" \\4>";
$buf = preg_replace($pattern, $repl, $buf);
} else {
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*)href=\"" . $blog_home_esc . "(((?![\"])(?!\/trackback)(?!\/feed)" . gltr_get_extensions_skip_pattern() . ".)*)\"([^>]*)>/i";
$repl = "<a\\1href=\"" . $blog_home . '/' . $lang . "\\2\" \\4>";
$buf = preg_replace($pattern, $repl, $buf);
} else {
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*)href=\"" . $blog_home_esc . "\/\?(((?![\"])(?!\/trackback)(?!\/feed)" . gltr_get_extensions_skip_pattern() . ".)*)\"([^>]*)>/i";
$repl = "<a\\1href=\"" . $blog_home . "?\\2&lang=$lang\" \\4>";
$buf = preg_replace($pattern, $repl, $buf);

$pattern = "/<a([^>]*)href=\"" . $blog_home_esc . "[\/]{0,1}\"([^>]*)>/i";
$repl = "<a\\1href=\"" . $blog_home . "?lang=$lang\" \\2>";
$buf = preg_replace($pattern, $repl, $buf);

//let's remove custom tags added by certain engines
if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'promt') {
//$buf = preg_replace("/\<div class='PROMT_HEADER'(.*)\<\/div\>/i", "", $buf);
//$buf = preg_replace("/\<span class=\"UNKNOWN_WORD\"\>([^\<]*)\<\/span\>/i", "\\1",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/onmouseout=\"OnMouseLeaveSpan\(this\)\"/i", "",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/onmouseover=\"OnMouseOverSpanTran\(this,event\)\"/i", "",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/<span class=\"src_para\">/i", "<span style=\"display:none;\">",$buf);
} else if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'freetransl') {
$buf = preg_replace("/\<div(.*)http:\/\/www\.freetranslation\.com\/images\/logo\.gif(.*)\<\/div\>/i", "", $buf);
$buf = str_replace(array("{L","L}"), array("",""), $buf);
} else if (TRANSLATION_ENGINE == 'google') {
$buf = preg_replace("/<script>[^<]*<\/script><script src=\"[^\"]*translate_c.js\"><\/script><script>_intlStrings[^<]*<\/script><style type=\"text\/css\">\.google-src-text[^<]*<\/style>/i", "",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/_setupIW\(\);_csi\([^\)]*\);/","",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/onmouseout=\"_tipoff\(\)\"/i", "",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/onmouseover=\"_tipon\(this\)\"/i", "",$buf);
$buf = preg_replace("/<span class=\"google-src-text\"[^>]*>/i", "<span style=\"display:none;\">",$buf);

$out = array();
$result = "";
$tagOpenPos = 0;
$tagClosePos = 0;

while (!($tagOpenPos === false)){
$beginIdx = $tagClosePos;
$tagOpenPos = strpos($buf,"<span style=\"display:none;\">",$currPos);
$tagClosePos = strpos($buf,"</span>",$tagOpenPos);
if ($tagOpenPos == 0 && ($tagOpenPos === false) && strlen($result) == 0){
gltr_debug("===>break all!");
$result = $buf;
$offset = substr($buf,$tagOpenPos,$tagClosePos - $tagOpenPos + 7);
$nestedCount = count($out2[0]);

for($i = 1; $i < $nestedCount; $i++){
$tagClosePos = strpos($buf,"</span>",$tagClosePos + 7);
if ($beginIdx > 0)$beginIdx += 7;

$result .= substr($buf,$beginIdx,$tagOpenPos - $beginIdx);
$currPos = $tagClosePos;
$buf = $result . substr($buf,$beginIdx);//Fixed by adding the last part of the translation: thanks Nick Georgakis!

$buf = gltr_insert_flag_bar($buf);

return $buf;

function gltr_insert_flag_bar($buf){
$bar = gltr_get_flags_bar();

$startpos = strpos($buf, FLAG_BAR_BEGIN);
$endpos = strpos($buf, FLAG_BAR_END);
if ($startpos > 0 && $endpos > 0){
$buf = substr($buf, 0, $startpos) . $bar . substr($buf, $endpos + strlen(FLAG_BAR_END));
} else {
gltr_debug("Flags bar tokens not found: translation failed or denied");

return $buf;

function gltr_get_extensions_skip_pattern() {
global $well_known_extensions;

$res = "";
foreach ($well_known_extensions as $key => $value) {
$res .= "(?!\.$value)";
return $res;

function gltr_get_random_UA(){
global $gltr_ua;
$tot = count($gltr_ua);
$id = rand( 0, count($gltr_ua)-1 );
$ua = $gltr_ua[$id];
//gltr_debug("Random UA nr $id: $ua");
return $ua;

function gltr_build_request($host, $http_req) {
$res = "GET $http_req HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$res .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$res .= "User-Agent: " . gltr_get_random_UA() . " \r\n";
$res .= "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5\r\n";
$res .= "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n";
$res .= "Connection: close\r\n";
$res .= "\r\n";
return $res;

function gltr_get_flags_bar() {
global $gltr_engine, $wp_query, $gltr_merged_image;
$num_cols = BAR_COLUMNS;
if (!isset($gltr_engine) || $gltr_engine == null ){
gltr_debug("WARNING! GT Options not correctly set!");
return "<b>Global Translator not configured yet. Please go to the Options Page</b>";

$buf = '';

$transl_map = $gltr_engine->get_languages_matrix();

$translations = $transl_map[BASE_LANG];

$transl_count = count($translations);

$buf .= "\n" . FLAG_BAR_BEGIN; //initial marker

$buf .= "<table border='0'><tr>";
else if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'DIV')
$buf .= "<div id=\"translation_bar\">";
else if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP')
$buf .= "<div id=\"translation_bar\"><map id=\"gltr_flags_map\" name=\"gltr_flags_map\">";

$curr_col = 0;
$curr_row = 0;

$dst_x = 0;
$dst_y = 0;

//filter preferred
$preferred_transl = array();
foreach ($translations as $key => $value) {
if ($key == BASE_LANG || in_array($key, get_option('gltr_preferred_languages')))
$preferred_transl[$key] = $value;
if ($num_cols > 0){
$num_rows = (int)(count($preferred_transl)/$num_cols);
if (count($preferred_transl)%$num_cols>0)$num_rows+=1;
if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP' && !file_exists($gltr_merged_image)){
$img_width = $num_cols*20;
$img_height = $num_rows*15;
$grid = imagecreatetruecolor ($img_width, $img_height);
imagecolortransparent($grid, 000000);

foreach ($preferred_transl as $key => $value) {
if ($curr_col >= $num_cols && $num_cols > 0) {
if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'TABLE') $buf .= "</tr><tr>";
$curr_col = 0;
$dst_x = 0;
$map_left = 0;
$map_right = 16;
$dst_y = $curr_row * 15;
$map_top = $curr_row * 15;
$map_bottom = $curr_row * 15 + 11;

$flg_url = gltr_get_translated_url($key, gltr_get_self_url());
$flg_image_url = gltr_get_flag_image($key);
$flg_image_path = gltr_get_flag_image_path($key);

if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'TABLE') $buf .= "<td>";

if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP'){
$buf .="<area shape='rect' coords='$map_left,$map_top,$map_right,$map_bottom' href='$flg_url' id='flag_$key' hreflang='$key' $lnk_attr title='$value'/>";
$map_left = $map_left+20;
$map_right= $map_right+20;
$buf .= "<a id='flag_$key' href='$flg_url' hreflang='$key' $lnk_attr><img id='flag_img_$key' src='$flg_image_url' alt='$value flag' title='$value' border='0' /></a>";

if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'TABLE') $buf .= "</td>";

if ($num_cols > 0) $curr_col += 1;

if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP' && !file_exists($gltr_merged_image)){
$img_tmp = imagecreatefrompng($flg_image_path);

imagecopymerge($grid, $img_tmp, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, 16, 11, 100);
$dst_x = $dst_x + 20;
}//end foreach ($preferred_transl as $key => $value) {

if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP' && !file_exists($gltr_merged_image)){
if (!is_writeable(dirname(__file__))){
return "<b>Permission error: Please make your 'plugins/global-translator' directory writable by Wordpress</b>";
} else {
imagepng($grid, $gltr_merged_image);
if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP'){

while ($curr_col < $num_cols && $num_cols > 0) {
if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'TABLE') $buf .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$curr_col += 1;

if ($num_cols == 0)
$num_cols = count($translations);

//Yes, you can remove my website link from the flags bar, but you should put it on another place
//on your blog, for example on your sidebar (i.e. inside your blogroll).
//This plugin is hard to develop and maintain and I freely redistribute it; I'm only asking
//you a backlink to my website ( This will be very appreciated!!
$n2hlink = "<a style=\"font-size:9px;\" href=\"\"></a>";
if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'MAP'){
$buf .="</map>";
$buf .= "<img style='border:0px;' src='$merged_image_url' usemap='#gltr_flags_map'/></div>";

$buf .= "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"$num_cols\">$n2hlink</td></tr></table>";
else if (HTML_BAR_TAG == 'DIV')
$buf .= "<div id=\"transl_sign\">$n2hlink</div></div>";
$buf .= "<div id=\"transl_sign\">$n2hlink</div>";
$buf .= FLAG_BAR_END . "\n"; //final marker
return $buf;

function gltr_build_flags_bar() {
echo (gltr_get_flags_bar());

//ONLY for backward compatibility!
function build_flags_bar() {
echo (gltr_get_flags_bar());

function gltr_get_translated_url($language, $url) {
$contains_index = (strpos($url, 'index.php')!==false);
$blog_home_esc = BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED;
if ($contains_index){
$blog_home_esc .= '\\/index.php';
$pattern = '/' . $blog_home_esc . '\\/((' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')[\\/])*(.*)/';

if (preg_match($pattern, $url)) {
$uri = preg_replace($pattern, '\\3', $url);
} else {
$uri = '';

$blog_home = BLOG_HOME;
if ($contains_index){
$blog_home .= '/index.php';
if ($language == BASE_LANG)
$url = $blog_home . '/' . $uri;
$url = $blog_home . '/' . $language . '/' . $uri;
} else {
$pattern1 = '/(.*)([&|\?]{1})lang=(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')(.*)/';
$pattern2 = '/(.*[&|\?]{1})lang=(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')(.*)/';

if ($language == BASE_LANG) {
$url = preg_replace($pattern1, '\\1\\4', $url);
} else
if (preg_match($pattern2, $url)) {
$url = preg_replace($pattern2, '\\1lang=' . $language . '\\3', $url);
} else {
if (strpos($url,'?')===false)
$url .= '?lang=' . $language;
$url .= '&lang=' . $language;


return $url;

function gltr_get_self_url() {
$full_url = 'http';
$script_name = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$script_name = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
} else {
$script_name = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] > ' ') {
$script_name .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
$full_url .= 's';
$full_url .= '://';
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80') {
$full_url .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $script_name;
} else {
$full_url .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $script_name;
return $full_url;

//rewrite rules definitions
function gltr_translations_rewrite($wp_rewrite) {
$translations_rules = array('^(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')$' =>
'index.php?lang=$matches[1]', '^(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')/(.+?)$' =>
$wp_rewrite->rules = $translations_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;

function gltr_get_cookies() {
$string = '';
while ($key = key($_COOKIE)) {
if (preg_match("/^wordpress|^comment_author_email_/", $key)) {
$string .= $_COOKIE[$key] . ",";
return $string;

function gltr_is_cached($url){
global $gltr_cache_dir;
global $gltr_stale_dir;

$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
$staledir = $gltr_stale_dir;
$uri = preg_replace("/" . BLOG_HOME_ESCAPED . "/", '', $url);
$hash = gltr_hashReqUri($uri);
$filename = $cachedir . '/' . $hash;
$stale_filename = $staledir . '/' . $hash;
return (is_file($filename)||is_file($stale_filename));


function gltr_get_page_content($lang, $url) {
global $gltr_cache_dir;
global $gltr_stale_dir;

$page = '';
$hash = gltr_hashReqUri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
//gltr_debug("Hashing uri: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']." to: $hash");

$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
$staledir = $gltr_stale_dir;

if (!is_dir($cachedir)) {
if (!@mkdir($cachedir, 0777)){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The cache dir <em>$cachedir</em> cannot be created. <br />Please make readable and writeable the following directory: <br /><em>".WP_CONTENT_DIR."</em>.</b>";
if(!file_exists($cachedir) || !is_readable($cachedir) || !is_writeable($cachedir)){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The cache dir <em>$cachedir</em> cannot be read or modified. <br />Please chmod it in order to make it readable and writeable.</b>";

if (!is_dir($staledir)) {
if (!@mkdir($staledir, 0777)){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The stale dir <em>$staledir</em> cannot be created. <br />Please make readable and writeable the following directory: <br /><em>$cachedir</em>.</b>";
if(!file_exists($staledir) || !is_readable($staledir) || !is_writeable($staledir)){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The stale dir <em>$staledir</em> cannot be read or modified. <br />Please chmod it readable and writeable.</b>";


$filename = $cachedir . '/' . $hash;
$stale_filename = $staledir . '/' . $hash;

if(file_exists($filename) && (!is_readable($filename) || !is_writeable($filename))){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The cached file <em>$filename</em> cannot be read or modified. <br />Please chmod it in order to make it readable and writeable.</b>";
if(file_exists($stale_filename) && (!is_readable($stale_filename) || !is_writeable($stale_filename))){
return "<b>Global Translator has detected a problem with your filesystem permissions:<br />The cached file <em>$stale_filename</em> cannot be read or modified. <br />Please chmod it in order to make it readable and writeable.</b>";

if (file_exists($filename) && filesize($filename) > 0) {

// We are done, just return the file and exit
gltr_debug("cache: returning cached version ($hash) for url:" . gltr_get_self_url());
$page = gltr_load_cached_page($filename);
$page .= "<!--CACHED VERSION ($hash)-->";

//$page = gltr_insert_flag_bar($page); //could be skipped
//check if needs to be scheduled for a new translation
$filetime_days = (time() - filemtime($filename)) / 86400;

if (EXPIRE_TIME > 0 && $filetime_days >= EXPIRE_TIME ){
gltr_debug("The file $filename has been created more than " . EXPIRE_TIME . " days ago. Scheduling for a new translation");

} else {

gltr_debug("Connection to engine for url:" . gltr_get_self_url());
$page = gltr_translate($lang, $url);
//check the content to be cached
if (gltr_is_valid_translated_content($page)) {
$gltr_last_cached_url = gltr_get_self_url();
gltr_debug("cache: caching ($filename) [".strlen($page)."] url:" . $gltr_last_cached_url);
$page .= "<!--NOT CACHED VERSION: ($hash)-->";
if (file_exists($stale_filename)){
} else {
//translation not available. Switching to stale
if (file_exists($stale_filename) && filesize($stale_filename) > 0) {
gltr_debug("cache: returning stale version ($hash) for url:" . gltr_get_self_url());

$page = gltr_load_cached_page($stale_filename);
//$page = gltr_insert_flag_bar($page); //could be skipped
$page .= "<!--STALE VERSION: ($hash)-->";
$from_cache = true;
} else {
//no cache, no translated,no stale
header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');//thanks Martin!
header('Retry-After: 3600');

return $page;

function gltr_save_cached_page($data,$filename){
//gltr_debug("gltr_save_cached_page: Cache compression enabled = " . COMPRESS_CACHE);

if (COMPRESS_CACHE && function_exists('gzcompress')){
gltr_debug("gltr_save_cached_page: using zlib: $filename");
$data = gzcompress($data, 9);
} else {
gltr_debug("gltr_save_cached_page: NOT using zlib: $filename");
$handle = fopen($filename, "wb");
if (flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) { // do an exclusive lock
fwrite($handle, $data); //write
flock($handle, LOCK_UN); // release the lock
} else {
fwrite($handle, $data);

function gltr_load_cached_page($filename){
//gltr_debug("gltr_load_cached_page: Cache compression enabled = " . COMPRESS_CACHE);
$data = file_get_contents($filename);

if (function_exists('gzuncompress')){
if (($tmp = @gzuncompress($data))){
$data = $tmp;
//save the unzipped version
} else if (COMPRESS_CACHE) {
//save the zipped version

return $data;

function gltr_hashReqUri($uri) {
$uri = urldecode($uri);//Adde
$req = preg_replace('/(.*)\/$/', '\\1', $uri);
$req = preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $req);
$hash = str_replace(array('?','<','>',':','\\','/','*','|','"'), '_', $req);
return $hash;

function gltr_filter_content($content) {
global $gltr_result;
return $gltr_result;

function gltr_insert_my_rewrite_query_vars($vars) {
array_push($vars, 'lang', 'url');
return $vars;

function gltr_insert_my_rewrite_parse_query($query) {
global $gltr_unavail,$gltr_cache_dir;
$gltr_result = "";

if (isset($query->query_vars['lang'])) {

if (!is_dir($gltr_cache_dir)){
if (!is_readable(WP_CONTENT_DIR) || !is_writable(WP_CONTENT_DIR) ){
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
die ("Unable to complete Global Translator initialization. Plese make writable and readable the following directory:

if (gltr_not_translable_uri()){

$chosen_langs = get_option('gltr_preferred_languages');

$can_translate = true;
$self_url = gltr_get_self_url();

if (!in_array($query->query_vars['lang'], $chosen_langs)){
gltr_debug("Blocking request for not chosed language:".$query->query_vars['lang']);
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
$gltr_result = NOT_FOUND;
$can_translate = false;

if (!gltr_is_user_agent_allowed() && BAN_PREVENTION){
gltr_debug("Limiting bot/crawler access to resource:".$query->query_vars['url']);
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
$gltr_result = NOT_FOUND;
$can_translate = false;

if (preg_match("/^(" . LANGS_PATTERN . ")$/", $query->query_vars['url']) ||
preg_match("/^(" . LANGS_PATTERN . ")\/(.+)$/", $query->query_vars['url']) ){
gltr_debug("Blocking request for nested translation request:".$query->query_vars['lang']."|".$query->query_vars['url']);
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
$gltr_result = NOT_FOUND;
$can_translate = false;

if (strpos($self_url,'?')===false && strpos($self_url,'&')>0){
gltr_debug("Blocking bad request:".$query->query_vars['lang']."|".$query->query_vars['url']);
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
$gltr_result = NOT_FOUND;
$can_translate = false;
} else if( strpos($self_url,'?')===false && substr($self_url, -1) != '/'){
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily");
header("Location: " . gltr_get_self_url() . '/');
if ($can_translate) {
$lang = $query->query_vars['lang'];
$url = $query->query_vars['url'];

if (empty($url)) {
$url = '';
$gltr_result = gltr_get_page_content($lang, $url);

//$end = round(microtime(true),4);
//gltr_debug("Translated page serving total time:". ($end - $start) . " seconds");


//thanks to Kaizeku Ban
function gltr_add_options_page() {
$path = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$file = $path. 'options-translator.php';
add_options_page('Global Translator Options','Global Translator',8,$file);

function gltr_debug($msg) {
if (DEBUG) {
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s ");
$myFile = dirname(__file__) . "/debug.log";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("Can't open debug file. Please manually create the 'debug.log' file (inside the 'global-translator' directory) and make it writable.");
$ua_simple = preg_replace("/(.*)\s\(.*/","\\1",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
//fwrite($fh, $today . " [from: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."|$ua_simple] - [mem:" . memory_get_usage() . "] " . $msg . "\n");
if (is_array($msg)){
foreach($msg as $key => $item)
fwrite($fh, $today . " [from: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."|$ua_simple] - " . $key . "=>" . $item . "\n");
fwrite($fh, $today . " [from: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."|$ua_simple] - " . $msg . "\n");

function gltr_not_translable_uri(){

$not_translable = array("share-this","download.php");
$url = gltr_get_self_url();
if (isset($url))
$url = strtolower($url);
$url = "";
if ($url == "") {
return false;
} else {
while (list($key, $val) = each($not_translable)) {
if (strstr($url, strtolower($val))) {
gltr_debug("Detected and blocked untranslable uri: $url");
return true;
return false;

function gltr_is_browser() {
$browsers_ua = array(
"compatible; MSIE",
"Avant Browser"
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
$ua = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$ua = "";

if ($ua == "") {
return false;
} else {
while (list($key, $val) = each($browsers_ua)) {
if (strstr($ua, strtoupper($val))) {
return true;
return false;

function gltr_is_user_agent_allowed() {

$not_allowed = array("Wget", "EmailSiphon", "WebZIP", "MSProxy/2.0", "EmailWolf",
"webbandit", "MS FrontPage", "GetRight", "AdMuncher", "Sqworm", "SurveyBot",
"TurnitinBot", "WebMirror", "WebMiner", "WebStripper", "WebSauger", "WebReaper",
"WebSite eXtractor", "Teleport Pro", "CherryPicker", "Crescent Internet ToolPak",
"EmailCollect", "ExtractorPro", "NEWT ActiveX", "sexsearcher", "ia_archive",
"NameCrawler", "Email spider", "GetSmart", "Grabber", "GrabNet", "EmailHarvest",
"Go!Zilla", "LeechFTP", "Vampire", "SmartDownload", "Sucker", "SuperHTTP",
"Collector", "Zeus", "Telesoft", "URLBlaze", "VobSub", "Vacuum", "Space Bison",
"WinWAP", "3D-FTP", "Wapalizer", "DTS agent", "DA 5.", "NetAnts", "Netspider",
"Disco Pump", "WebFetch", "DiscoFinder", "NetZip", "Express WebPictures",
"Download Demon", "eCatch", "WebAuto", "Offline Expl", "HTTrack",
"Mass Download", "Mister Pix", "SuperBot", "WebCopier", "FlashGet", "larbin",
"SiteSnagger", "FlashGet", "NPBot", "Kontiki","Java","ETS V5.1",
"IDBot", "id-search", "libwww", "lwp-trivial", "curl", "PHP/", "urllib",
"GT::WWW", "Snoopy", "MFC_Tear_Sample", "HTTP::Lite", "PHPCrawl", "URI::Fetch",
"Zend_Http_Client", "http client", "PECL::HTTP","libwww-perl","SPEEDY SPIDER",

$allowed = array("compatible; MSIE", "T720", "MIDP-1.0", "AU-MIC", "UP.Browser",
"SonyEricsson", "MobilePhone SCP", "NW.Browser", "Mozilla", "UP.Link",
"Windows-Media-Player", "MOT-TA02", "Nokia", "Opera/7", "NSPlayer",
"GoogleBot", "Opera/6", "Panasonic", "Thinflow", "contype", "klondike", "UPG1",
"SEC-SGHS100", "Scooter", "",
"SpaceBison/0.01 [fu] (Win67; X; ShonenKnife)", "Internetseer","MSNBOT-MEDIA/",

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
$ua = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$ua = "";
if ($ua == "") {
return false;
} else {
while (list($key, $val) = each($not_allowed)) {
if (strstr($ua, strtoupper($val))) {
//gltr_debug("Detected and blocked user agent: $ua");
return false;

$notknown = 1;
while (list($key, $val) = each($allowed)) {
if (strstr($ua, strtoupper($val))) {
$notknown = 0;

if ($notknown) {
gltr_debug("Warning: unknown user agent: $ua");
return true;

function gltr_erase_common_cache_files($post_ID) {
global $gltr_cache_dir;
global $gltr_stale_dir;
$start= round(microtime(true),4);

$single_post_pattern = "";

$categories = array();
$tags = array();
$patterns = array();

if (isset($post_ID)){
$post = get_post($post_ID);
if ($post->post_status != 'publish'){
gltr_debug("Post not yet published (status=".$post->post_status."): no cached files to erase");
} else {
gltr_debug("Post published ok to cached files erase");
if (function_exists('get_the_category')) $categories = get_the_category($post_ID);
if (function_exists('get_the_tags')) $tags = get_the_tags($post_ID);
$uri = substr (get_permalink($post_ID), strlen(get_option('home')) );
$single_post_pattern = gltr_hashReqUri($uri);
if (isset($categories) && is_array($categories)){
foreach($categories as $category) {
$patterns[] = '_category_' . strtolower($category->cat_name);
} else {
$patterns[] = '_category_';
if (isset($tags) && is_array($tags)){
foreach($tags as $tag) {
$patterns[] = '_tag_' . $tag->slug;
$patterns[] = '_tag_';
} else {
$single_post_pattern = $post_ID;
if (isset($categories) && is_array($categories)){
foreach($categories as $category) {
$patterns[] = '_cat=' . strtolower($category->cat_ID);
} else {
$patterns[] = '_cat=';
if (isset($tags) && is_array($tags)){
foreach($tags as $tag) {
$patterns[] = '_tag=' . $tag->slug;
$patterns[] = '_tag=';

$datepattern = "";
$post_time = $post->post_date;
if (isset($post_time) && function_exists('mysql2date')){
$year = mysql2date(__('Y'), $post_time);
$month = mysql2date(__('m'), $post_time);
//gltr_debug("==>post y=$year m=$month");
$datepattern = $year . "_" . $month;
} else {
$datepattern = "$year$month";
} else {
$datepattern = "[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}";
} else {
$datepattern = "[0-9]{6}";

} else {
gltr_debug("Post ID not set");

$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
//gltr_debug("begin clean");
if (file_exists($cachedir) && is_dir($cachedir) && is_readable($cachedir)) {
$handle = opendir($cachedir);
while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) {
if( $item != '.' && $item != '..' && $item != 'stale' && !is_dir($item)){
$donext = true;
foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
if(strstr($item, $pattern)){
$donext = false;
if ($donext){
if( preg_match('/_(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')_'.$datepattern.'$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')_page_[0-9]+$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')'.$single_post_pattern.'$/', $item)) {
} else {
//no rewrite rules
if( preg_match('/_p='.$single_post_pattern.'$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_paged=[0-9]+$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_m='.$datepattern.'$/', $item) ||
preg_match('/_lang=(' . LANGS_PATTERN . ')$/', $item)) {
//gltr_debug("end clean");
$end= round(microtime(true),4);
gltr_debug("Cache cleaning process total time:". ($end - $start) . " seconds");


function gltr_delete_empty_cached_file($filename){
global $gltr_cache_dir;
global $gltr_stale_dir;
$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
$path = $cachedir.'/'.$filename;
if (file_exists($path) && is_file($path) && filesize($path) == 0){
gltr_debug("Erasing empty file: $path");

function gltr_move_to_new_cache_loc($filename){
global $gltr_cache_dir;

$cachedir = dirname(__file__) . '/cache';

$src = $cachedir . '/' . $filename;
$dst = $gltr_cache_dir . '/' . $filename;
if (file_exists($src) && !file_exists($dst) ){
if (!@rename($src,$dst)){
gltr_debug("Unable to move cached file $src to stale $dst");
} else {
gltr_debug("Moving cached file $src to stale $dst");

function gltr_move_to_new_stale_loc($filename){
global $gltr_stale_dir;

$staledir = dirname(__file__) . '/cache/stale';

$src = $staledir . '/' . $filename;
$dst = $gltr_stale_dir . '/' . $filename;
if (file_exists($src) && !file_exists($dst)){
if (!@rename($src,$dst)){
gltr_debug("Unable to move cached file $src to stale $dst");
} else {
gltr_debug("Moving cached file $src to stale $dst");

function gltr_move_cached_file_to_stale($filename){
global $gltr_cache_dir;
global $gltr_stale_dir;
$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
$staledir = $gltr_stale_dir;

$src = $cachedir . '/' . $filename;
$dst = $staledir . '/' . $filename;
if (!@rename($src,$dst)){
gltr_debug("Unable to move cached file $src to stale $dst");
} else {
gltr_debug("Moving cached file $src to stale $dst");

function gltr_delete_cached_file($filename){
global $gltr_cache_dir;
$cachedir = $gltr_cache_dir;
$path = $cachedir.'/'.$filename;
if (file_exists($path) && is_file($path)){
gltr_debug("Erasing $path");


function widget_global_translator_init() {

if(!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) { return; }
function widget_global_translator($args) {
echo $before_widget . $before_title . "Translate this website" . $after_title;
echo $after_widget;
register_sidebar_widget('Global Translator','widget_global_translator');

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'widget_global_translator_init');
PHP hulp

PHP hulp

06/05/2024 08:23:18

16/02/2009 16:26:00
Quote Anchor link
Hoepel op met die code.
Lees de documentatie van wordpress ofzo.
En lees de FAQ.
Gewijzigd op 01/01/1970 01:00:00 door


16/02/2009 16:53:00
Quote Anchor link
had het in de wordpress codex gestaan had ik het hier niet gevraagd...

trouwens het enige dat ik verkeerd deed was een te lange code gepost,

maar hoe moet je het anders doen als je helemaal niet weet waar je de code moet veranderen...

phphulp, lijkt mij toch een forum waar je het zou kunnen vragen niet?

tegenwoordig word er op forums meer geflamed dan een duidelijk antwoord gegeven.

maar laat maar ik probeer wel ergens anders

Overzicht Reageren


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